Facts are all that matter when it comes to insurance claims. Whether you’re an individual dealing with a vehicle accident insurance claim or a business dealing with a workplace injury claim, the facts are the bottom line. What happened? When did it happen? Why? How? At some point in your life, you or your business may come across an individual looking to defraud you out of money that’s not rightfully theirs. Perhaps, you were in a car accident, and the other person in the incident claims severe injury and demands a large sum of money for hospital bills. The same situation could go for a workplace accident, where an employee demands compensation for something that didn’t happen.
How are you supposed to know the facts of what happened? Call ISACORP to discuss your incident with our insurance fraud investigator near Auckland. Our team of investigators have years of experience with insurance fraud investigations. We know what to look for and how to get all the facts to help you through your incident. We work to investigate accidents, looking at the who, what, where, why, and how so that we can assess the insurance claims and whether they’re fraudulent or not. You’ll have peace of mind knowing that we’ll exhaust all avenues to identify the causation of these motor or workplace claims.
At ISACORP, we have a dedicated team with years of experience in motor repair claims, workplace injury claims, and many other types of insurance fraud. Hire us as your insurance fraud investigator in Auckland, and you’ll get nothing but the facts. For more information, call us on 0275 137 037.