Best possible outcomes

In situations that involve fraud or embezzlement, a seasoned and delicate touch is often needed. What you don’t need is some private investigator who thinks he’s just off the set of Magnum PI and charges around your workplace like a bull in a china shop. Our investigators work hard to cause the least possible disruptions…


Professional, Thorough Workplace Drug Testing in Auckland

Workplace drug testing has often been a source of debate throughout the corporate world. Some call it an invasion of privacy, while others argue that it’s necessary to ensure that they’re hiring trustworthy people. We would agree with the second argument. Drug testing promotes a positive, productive, and safe work environment for everyone. It can…


We Have the Best Document Server in Hamilton. Here’s Why.

We don’t mean to brag, but here’s the reality: we have the best document server in Hamilton. How do we know? We know because our clients are satisfied. In the end, that’s the whole reason for doing business at all – to become invaluable to your clients, so they trust you and call you again…


Workplace Drug Testing Investigation in Hamilton

Investigating an unexpected result from workplace drug testing in Hamilton is a delicate matter. ISACORP understands that you must maintain discretion and confidentiality while ensuring the utmost accuracy of any findings. Our team of investigators have experience in interviewing people in situations ranging from fraud investigations to criminal cases, and we bring extensive knowledge and…
